PODXS 070 TDW Contest

 Operation during Contest

       When I started working PSK31 on the HF bands, I talked to several hams about thePODXS PSK31 070 Club sponsored by the Penn-Ohio DX Society (PODXS).  In just a little while, I had made the minimum requirements for membership, and joined on April 12, 2007.
        This weekend was the Three Day Weekend (TDW) contest from Friday, June 1st (0000Z) to Sunday, June 3rd (2359Z).  The object of the contest was to work as many 070 members on HF bands during the allotted time using the PSK31 mode.
        On Friday night, I realized the contest had started, but was very tired...so my plan was to spend some time on Saturday working the contest.  I was able to work about 9 hours mixed with other family responsibilities.  Then, I worked the last hour and a half of the contest on Sunday after church.
        I was able to make 69 QSO contacts with 41 members of the club, and 600 bonus points for a total claimed score of 3429.  Based on the preliminary 2007 results, I am not the Top Dog, but will probably be somewhere in the middle of the pack.  The final standings will be posted to the TDW Contest Results page.
        I had a fun time trying to hunt down members on the HF bands.
                -- Peter (KB5HPL)

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