KB5HPL (Peter)

        My station consists of an Icom IC-706MKIIG HF radio, attached through an LDG AT-100Pro auto antenna tuner to the antenna.  The radio is interfaced to an Apple iMac computer via a microHam USB interface III.
       A homemade wooden stand was made to hold the items together in a neat package organized inside a computer armoire.
       The antennas consist of a Comet CHA-250Bx vertical antenna that is mounted on the side of the house on a 13ft pole.
       I am using MacLoggerDX as my logging program, and CocoaModem or Fast Light Digital Modem Application (Fldigi) for PSK31, RTTY, MFSK, HELL, etc.

        I am working to develop my operating skills by making contacts on the air.  My goal is getting the DXCC, and WAS awards.  I would like to become more proficient with morse code.  I hope by early 2010 to have a Carolina Windom installed between the flag poles, just need to get coax installed.  

        I was first licensed back in 1988 as a Novice, then upgraded to  Tech Plus.  I currently hold a General class license.
        I learned about ham radio as a kid, but it was during my years at LeTourneau College, that I was able to get my license.  I was an active member of the K5JEF ham club and had fun using the equipment in the shack. 
        After college, I spent most of my time on VHF & UHF bands on local repeaters.  Since 2000, I have spent some time playing around with automatic packet reporting system (APRS) with my mobile station. In 2007, I finally put up a vertical antenna, and was able to assemble a portable HF station, and get on the air.  In 2008, we moved to a larger house & lot, and I was able to setup a more permanent station. In April 2009, I completed installation of two flag poles which are 30 feet high and 150 feet apart.  By December 2009, I was able to dig the trench & bury the run of 174 ft of conduit from the house to the antenna center base.  I pulled 245 ft of Andrew Cinta CNT-400 coax from antenna center base to the station in the house.

Member of these Organizations:

        Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL)

        Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) # 2865

        PODXS 070 PSK Club # 554 

        30M Digital Group # 1272 

        European PSK Club # 4934

        Feld Hell Club # FH1514

        WARC Century Club # 72

        Digital Modes Club # 2973

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